Sunday, July 29, 2007

3 Little Dippers

Two girlfriends and I completed our annual "girls only" swim a couple of weeks ago. Usually the three of us swim together every Sunday in a local pool on the master's swim team. The coach directs us and the other team members how to make our free, back, and breast-strokes more efficient and powerful. We work hard for an hour with drill and speed laps, always rewarded with a relaxed body and mind for Sunday evening's weekend wind-down. We also have become much stronger and confident swimmers, propelling us in challenging events like triathlons.
But once a year the three of us want to try something different; a more unique kind of swimming experience. A night swim, to be precise....naked, to be more precise. We drop our clothes on the shore, swim 1/8 mile to the opposite shore, run back around to our stack of clothing before finding our way through the dark to the unofficial exit. We doggy-paddle so we can gaze at stars, giggle, and spurt whispered exclamations, "It's so beautiful!" "It's so quiet out here!" "Look at the Big Dipper!"
Yes, we feel playful, girlish, and skinny, like the 3 little dippers we are.
(Photos omitted: just imagine 3 little dippers smiling at one Big Dipper)